A - Berlin
B - Hannover (1873-1876)
C - Frankfurt (1873-1876)
D - Munich
E - Muldenhütten
F - Stuttgart
G - Karlsruhe
H - Darmstadt (1873-1876)
J - Hamburg
Metal: Bronze
Weight (g): 2
Diameter (mm): 17,4
Year: 1923-1929
Year - Mintage:
1923 A - 12.629.000
1923 D - 2.314.000
1923 E - 2.200.000
1923 F - 160.000
1923 G - 1.004.000
1923 J - 1.470.000
1924 A - 55.273.000
1924 D - 17.540.000
1924 E - 6.838.000
1924 F - 10.347.000
1924 G - 7.366.000
1924 J - 11.024.000
1925 A - unknown
1929 F - unknown
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1,00 €
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Metal: Bronze
Weight (g): 3,3
Diameter (mm): 20
Year: 1923-1924
Year - Mintage:
1923 A - 8.587.000
1923 D - 1.490.000
1923 F - Inc. Above
1923 G - Inc. Above
1923 J - Inc. Above
1924 A - 80.864.000
1924 D - 19.899.000
1924 E - 6.595.000
1924 F - 14.969.000
1924 G - 10.349.000
1924 J - 21.196.000
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1,00 €
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Metal: Aluminium-Bronze
Weight (g): 2,5
Diameter (mm): 18
Year: 1923-1925
Year - Mintage:
1923 A - 3.083.000
1923 D - Inc. below
1923 F - Inc. below
1923 G - Inc. below
1924 A - 171.966.000
1924 D - 31.163.000
1924 E - 12.206.000
1924 F - 29.032.000
1924 G - 19.217.000
1924 J - 32.332.000
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1,00 €
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Metal: Aluminium-Bronze
Weight (g): 3,92
Diameter (mm): 21
Year: 1923-1925
Year - Mintage:
1923 A - Inc. below
1923 D - Inc. below
1923 F - Inc. below
1923 G - Inc. below
1924 A - 169.956.000
1924 D - 33.894.000
1924 E - 18.679.000
1924 F - 42.237.000
1924 G - 18.758.000
1924 J - 33.928.000
1925 F - 13.000
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0,25 €
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